Calendrier d'Événements

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Total d'Événements: 205
Événements Actifs: 205
Événements Terminés: 0
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params: {"controller"=>"events", "language_abbrev"=>"fr", "action"=>"calendar_list_layout"}
URL used for Filters Reset: /events/calendar/list
January 2025
Men exploring Franciscan religious life, ages 18-35: Discernment Visits are not so much retreats as they are active experiences of the Franciscan life. Visits include sharing in the brothers' prayer routine, meals, and works of mercy. Not everyone can fit their schedule to our "posted" discernment weekends, or "Come&See". If you need to request a different time that you can get off of work/school to visit us, go ahead and email me with your possible dates, and we will check our schedule and see what is possible.
March 2025
Come and pray, rest, listen, share, and be. On the retreat, we will speak about some women of the bible, and how their stories can inspire us to be women of hope in following the Lord. It will include moments of adoration, silence, reflection, partaking in the Sacraments and sharing. This retreat is for women, ages 18 - 35. or click here to register. The deadline for registration is February 25, 2025.
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
In the Rule, St. Benedict writes, “We believe that the Divine Presence is everywhere.” How does prayer lead us to this divine presence? How does it make a difference in our lives and in the world? This four-session series on prayer will include brief presentations, conversation, and practice of a particular prayer form. We will explore scriptural prayer, Centering Prayer, short prayers and liturgical prayer. Facilitator: Christian Morris, OSB Limit: 12 participants Fee: $140
Gather to share common prayer of lectio divina (prayerful reading) using the Gospels of the Sundays of Lent. Participants also have the opportunity to meet with a sister spiritual companion for 30 minutes each week of Lent. Participants will need access to a computer with camera, smart phone, tablet or any device with Zoom capability. Facilitators: Mary Catherine Holicky, OSB, and Eunice Antony, OSB Limit: 8 participants Fee: $60 Registration Link:
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Événement En Ligne
Gather to share common prayer of lectio divina (prayerful reading) using the Gospels of the Sundays of Lent, followed by a shared meal and fellowship. Participants also have the opportunity to meet with a sister spiritual companion for 30 minutes each week of Lent. Facilitators: Mary Catherine Holicky, OSB, and Eunice Antony, OSB Limit: 8 participants Fee: $90 (includes noon meal) Registration Link:
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
During Lent, we prepare ourselves to see, hear and thus participate in the Paschal mystery of our faith. We will explore art and poetry as gateways to seeing and hearing with the eyes of our hearts. Each week, we will reflect on a step of the Paschal mystery in preparation for Easter: naming our deaths, claiming our births, living into a new reality—without clinging to the old. Participants will need access to a computer with camera, smart phone, tablet or any device with Zoom capability. Facilitator: Becky Van Ness, OblSB Limit: 12 participants Fee: $120 Registration Link:
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Événement En Ligne
Join us for a weekend to learn more about our charism, apostolate, and prayer life! St. John Bosco founded the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians to be a living monument of gratitude to Mary for everything she had done in his life. We serve the Church by accompanying youth and young adults on their journey of holiness in schools, parishes, youth centers, summer camps, and anywhere young people are found!
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
In the Rule, St. Benedict writes, “We believe that the Divine Presence is everywhere.” How does prayer lead us to this divine presence? How does it make a difference in our lives and in the world? This four-session series on prayer will include brief presentations, conversation, and practice of a particular prayer form. We will explore scriptural prayer, Centering Prayer, short prayers and liturgical prayer. Facilitator: Christian Morris, OSB Limit: 12 participants Fee: $140
Gather to share common prayer of lectio divina (prayerful reading) using the Gospels of the Sundays of Lent. Participants also have the opportunity to meet with a sister spiritual companion for 30 minutes each week of Lent. Participants will need access to a computer with camera, smart phone, tablet or any device with Zoom capability. Facilitators: Mary Catherine Holicky, OSB, and Eunice Antony, OSB Limit: 8 participants Fee: $60 Registration Link:
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Événement En Ligne
This program offers a space for contemplation, not only through the mind but through the body and spirit as well. Rooted in ancient traditions, this will truly be a practice of connecting not only to the self but also to the collective. It will remind us that everything is interconnected and exists here in the present moment. “There is no healing or transformation without connection.” (-Joanna Macy; World as Lover, World as Self). Tying the breath, community, nature, compassion, presence, and oneness together brings about a sense of purpose and peace. Our hour of practice will consist of meditation and movement, guided by Zoya, on the themes of interdependence and community, loving kindness and compassion, and the present moment. Join us at Yoga for Peacemaking, meeting the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. All are welcome for this free, beginner-friendly program. Blocks, straps, and mats are provided.
Gather to share common prayer of lectio divina (prayerful reading) using the Gospels of the Sundays of Lent, followed by a shared meal and fellowship. Participants also have the opportunity to meet with a sister spiritual companion for 30 minutes each week of Lent. Facilitators: Mary Catherine Holicky, OSB, and Eunice Antony, OSB Limit: 8 participants Fee: $90 (includes noon meal) Registration Link:
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
During Lent, we prepare ourselves to see, hear and thus participate in the Paschal mystery of our faith. We will explore art and poetry as gateways to seeing and hearing with the eyes of our hearts. Each week, we will reflect on a step of the Paschal mystery in preparation for Easter: naming our deaths, claiming our births, living into a new reality—without clinging to the old. Participants will need access to a computer with camera, smart phone, tablet or any device with Zoom capability. Facilitator: Becky Van Ness, OblSB Limit: 12 participants Fee: $120 Registration Link:
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Événement En Ligne
Is God calling you to be a sister? Come and See how the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are living out lives of authentic meaning — centered on God and serving others. This retreat will focus on the question, “Will you answer God’s call?” We will explore the passage in Matthew 4:19, “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of persons.” Explore if you might be called to life as a Sister of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Single, Catholic women ages 18 to 42 are invited to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for a weekend retreat Friday, March 28 starting at 4 p.m. EST and concluding at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 30, 2025. During this retreat you will have the opportunity to hear several sisters’ stories about their call and their lives today. You will experience how the Sisters of Providence live the call through prayer, vows, ministries and community life. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in our sacred grounds as you focus on prayer and your own discernment. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods is the perfect place to slow down and listen to the voice of God. Most importantly, you will carve out time to ask the questions, Am I called to be a sister? Is God calling me to Religious Life? Is this the community for me?
Is God calling you to be a sister? Come and See how the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are living out lives of authentic meaning — centered on God and serving others. This retreat will focus on the question, “Will you answer God’s call?” We will explore the passage in Matthew 4:19, “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of persons.” Single, Catholic women ages 18 to 42 are invited to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for a weekend retreat Friday, March 28 starting at 4 p.m. EST and concluding at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 30, 2025. During this retreat you will have the opportunity to hear several sisters’ stories about their call and their lives today. You will experience how the Sisters of Providence live the call through prayer, vows, ministries and community life. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in our sacred grounds as you focus on prayer and your own discernment. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods is the perfect place to slow down and listen to the voice of God.
Is God calling you to be a sister? Single, Catholic women ages 18 to 42 are invited to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for a weekend retreat on Friday, March 28 starting at 4 p.m. EST and concluding at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 30, 2025. Retreat attendees will be immersed in the sacred grounds of the Sisters of Providence campus while focusing on prayer and discernment. “The Woods” is the perfect place to slow down and listen inward for the voice of God. This retreat will focus on the question, “Will you answer God’s call?” We will explore the passage in Matthew 4:19, “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of persons.” The Sisters of Providence are a community of Catholic women who collaborate with others to create a more just and hope-filled world through prayer, education, service, advocacy and total trust in God’s Providence. They live the legacy and mission of love, mercy and justice established by their foundress Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.
Sometimes our personal, familial, and communal lives are filled with losses and with the grief that inevitably follows. We lose family members and friends through death, distance, and alienation; we lose jobs and homes, countries, languages and cultures; we lose health and safety. We watch with dismay as the world loses peace and the lives of the creatures who share the Earth with us. Writing is one way to face these losses and to look for moments of grace for ourselves and for others. In this workshop, we will read, do guided writing, read each other’s work, and offer generous responses. Sister Mara will read and respond to your writing individually. Everyone is welcome! You don’t need to consider yourself a writer to join this workshop. Dates: Saturdays, February 15, March 8, 29 Time: 9–11:30 a.m. Facilitator: Mara Faulkner, OSB, Fellow Writer Limit: 8 participants Fee: $120 Registration Link:
Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict
Are you asking the question, “What does God want for my life?” Do you need some time to step away from all the chaos and busyness of everyday life to listen for God’s voice? Join us for a day of inspiring talks, reflection, and an anticipated Sunday Mass at the Redeemer Valley Farm and Transformation Center! Register by March 19, 2025 Cost: $10 cash donation to cover lunch/snacks/materials Dress: Outdoor, casual. Sneakers and a long sleeve shirt or jacket are suggested. We will spend a portion of the day outside in garden and wooded areas.
National Religous Vocation Conference
Are you asking the question, “What does God want for my life?” Do you need some time to step away from all the chaos and busyness of everyday life to listen for God’s voice? Join us for a day of inspiring talks, reflection, and an anticipated Sunday Mass at the Redeemer Valley Farm and Transformation Center! Please register by March 19, 2025. Cost: $10 cash donation to cover lunch/snacks/materials Dress: Outdoor, casual. Sneakers and a long sleeve shirt or jacket are suggested. We will spend a portion of the day outside in garden and wooded areas.
National Religious Vocation Conference, Delaware Valley Member Area
We invite you to a Lenten Young Adult Retreat. The day will be structured around engaging talks leading us deeper into contemplative prayer based on Scripture and reflection. There will be opportunities to listen to one another in small groups and bring questions and insights. The beautiful grounds of St. Mary-on-the-Lake, nestled on the shores of Lake Washington, also provide ample space to walk, reflect, and be renewed throughout the day. Lunch and snacks will be provided. For those who would like to stay on, we will have a LENTEN PRAYER at 6 pm in the style of Taizé.
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
In the Rule, St. Benedict writes, “We believe that the Divine Presence is everywhere.” How does prayer lead us to this divine presence? How does it make a difference in our lives and in the world? This four-session series on prayer will include brief presentations, conversation, and practice of a particular prayer form. We will explore scriptural prayer, Centering Prayer, short prayers and liturgical prayer. Facilitator: Christian Morris, OSB Limit: 12 participants Fee: $140
April 2025
Birth and death are two non-negotiables for human beings. We usually welcome birth but dread death. Can we learn to celebrate both? After learning of his own terminal cancer diagnosis in February 2022, Richard Gaillardetz, professor of theology at Boston College, author and editor of numerous books, writes of his journey finding hope, humor and blessing. Perhaps Richard’s story can help each of us ponder the mystery of our own lives and inevitable death with more trust and peace. Facilitators: Eunice Antony, OSB, and Mary Jo Koszarek Limit: Minimum of 4 participants, maximum of 8 participants Fee: Each registrant purchases his/her own book Registration Link:
Gather to share common prayer of lectio divina (prayerful reading) using the Gospels of the Sundays of Lent. Participants also have the opportunity to meet with a sister spiritual companion for 30 minutes each week of Lent. Participants will need access to a computer with camera, smart phone, tablet or any device with Zoom capability. Facilitators: Mary Catherine Holicky, OSB, and Eunice Antony, OSB Limit: 8 participants Fee: $60 Registration Link:
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Événement En Ligne
Gather to share common prayer of lectio divina (prayerful reading) using the Gospels of the Sundays of Lent, followed by a shared meal and fellowship. Participants also have the opportunity to meet with a sister spiritual companion for 30 minutes each week of Lent. Facilitators: Mary Catherine Holicky, OSB, and Eunice Antony, OSB Limit: 8 participants Fee: $90 (includes noon meal) Registration Link:
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The retreat weekend for women ages 18-55 offers an opportunity to learn about religious life in dialogue with the Vocation Director, community members and other discerners. Input sessions include general information on discernment and the different types of communities as well as specific information about the Benedictine Sisters of Elizabeth. In addition to prayer and meals with the Sisters, discerners also have the opportunity to hear vocation stories and interact with the Sisters at an evening social.
Benedictine Sisters of Elizabeth, New Jersey
Join us for a day to learn more about our charism, apostolate, and prayer life! St. John Bosco founded the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians to be a living monument of gratitude to Mary for everything she had done in his life. We serve the Church by accompanying youth and young adults on their journey of holiness in schools, parishes, youth centers, summer camps, and anywhere young people are found!
This mini-retreat is an opportunity to gather with other spiritual seekers to explore how to make spiritually informed choices. No matter what decisions are ahead, you’ll gain tools for your tool box so that you are better equipped to make choices that enliven you to shine brightly. The world needs you to glow. Strengthen your support so you can be the person you were made to be. This retreat is being offered to support young adults 18-30 years old who are exploring options for their future.
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
In the Rule, St. Benedict writes, “We believe that the Divine Presence is everywhere.” How does prayer lead us to this divine presence? How does it make a difference in our lives and in the world? This four-session series on prayer will include brief presentations, conversation, and practice of a particular prayer form. We will explore scriptural prayer, Centering Prayer, short prayers and liturgical prayer. Facilitator: Christian Morris, OSB Limit: 12 participants Fee: $140
Single women from ages 18-42 are invited to join together in this special virtual event that takes place monthly on the 7th day of every month at 7 p.m. Each month will focus on a universal topic led by a Sister of Providence where attendees are welcomed and encouraged to bring prayer intentions, share an experience or give wisdom gained through experience with the monthly theme. We want to empower and aid one another in life’s challenges and struggles and also celebrate our joys as a community united. Upcoming themes: "Hope" - Friday, March 7 with Sister Ann Sullivan, SP "Shame" - Monday, April 7 with Sister Barbara Sheehan, SP "Joy" - Wednesday, May 7 with Sister Betty Koressel, SP "Gratitude" - Saturday, June 7 with Sister Marilyn Baker, SP
07:00 PM - 07:45 PM
Événement En Ligne
Birth and death are two non-negotiables for human beings. We usually welcome birth but dread death. Can we learn to celebrate both? After learning of his own terminal cancer diagnosis in February 2022, Richard Gaillardetz, professor of theology at Boston College, author and editor of numerous books, writes of his journey finding hope, humor and blessing. Perhaps Richard’s story can help each of us ponder the mystery of our own lives and inevitable death with more trust and peace. Facilitators: Eunice Antony, OSB, and Mary Jo Koszarek Limit: Minimum of 4 participants, maximum of 8 participants Fee: Each registrant purchases his/her own book Registration Link:
Gather to share common prayer of lectio divina (prayerful reading) using the Gospels of the Sundays of Lent. Participants also have the opportunity to meet with a sister spiritual companion for 30 minutes each week of Lent. Participants will need access to a computer with camera, smart phone, tablet or any device with Zoom capability. Facilitators: Mary Catherine Holicky, OSB, and Eunice Antony, OSB Limit: 8 participants Fee: $60 Registration Link:
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Événement En Ligne
This program offers a space for contemplation, not only through the mind but through the body and spirit as well. Rooted in ancient traditions, this will truly be a practice of connecting not only to the self but also to the collective. It will remind us that everything is interconnected and exists here in the present moment. “There is no healing or transformation without connection.” (-Joanna Macy; World as Lover, World as Self). Tying the breath, community, nature, compassion, presence, and oneness together brings about a sense of purpose and peace. Our hour of practice will consist of meditation and movement, guided by Zoya, on the themes of interdependence and community, loving kindness and compassion, and the present moment. Join us at Yoga for Peacemaking, meeting the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. All are welcome for this free, beginner-friendly program. Blocks, straps, and mats are provided.
Gather to share common prayer of lectio divina (prayerful reading) using the Gospels of the Sundays of Lent, followed by a shared meal and fellowship. Participants also have the opportunity to meet with a sister spiritual companion for 30 minutes each week of Lent. Facilitators: Mary Catherine Holicky, OSB, and Eunice Antony, OSB Limit: 8 participants Fee: $90 (includes noon meal) Registration Link:
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
Fuel the Body, Fuel the Soul is a virtual program that provides a forum for young women around the country to deepen their faith life. The program gives women the opportunity to engage with our sisters and other women in spiritual presentations, discussions, and prayer. Each gathering also features a nutritious recipe from one of our sisters.
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Fiat Project is an 8-month online program designed to accompany women in their 20s and 30s to discern God’s call and accept it as their mission. The overall goal is for young women to grow in holiness and realize that no matter what vocation God calls them to - consecrated life, marriage, or consecrated virginity - each vocation is meant to be lived in a deep relationship with Christ and at the service of the Church and the world.
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
In the Rule, St. Benedict writes, “We believe that the Divine Presence is everywhere.” How does prayer lead us to this divine presence? How does it make a difference in our lives and in the world? This four-session series on prayer will include brief presentations, conversation, and practice of a particular prayer form. We will explore scriptural prayer, Centering Prayer, short prayers and liturgical prayer. Facilitator: Christian Morris, OSB Limit: 12 participants Fee: $140
Birth and death are two non-negotiables for human beings. We usually welcome birth but dread death. Can we learn to celebrate both? After learning of his own terminal cancer diagnosis in February 2022, Richard Gaillardetz, professor of theology at Boston College, author and editor of numerous books, writes of his journey finding hope, humor and blessing. Perhaps Richard’s story can help each of us ponder the mystery of our own lives and inevitable death with more trust and peace. Facilitators: Eunice Antony, OSB, and Mary Jo Koszarek Limit: Minimum of 4 participants, maximum of 8 participants Fee: Each registrant purchases his/her own book Registration Link:
Experience the life, mission, and spirituality of the Daughters of St. Paul at our annual Holy Week Discernment Retreat! Retreat includes: Daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, Triduum liturgies, silent retreat day, conferences by the Sisters, experience of the Pauline apostolate, community time and recreation, and more. For single Catholic women ages 18-30.
Gather to share common prayer of lectio divina (prayerful reading) using the Gospels of the Sundays of Lent. Participants also have the opportunity to meet with a sister spiritual companion for 30 minutes each week of Lent. Participants will need access to a computer with camera, smart phone, tablet or any device with Zoom capability. Facilitators: Mary Catherine Holicky, OSB, and Eunice Antony, OSB Limit: 8 participants Fee: $60 Registration Link:
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Événement En Ligne
Join Maryknoll Lay Missioners for a Maryknoll Mission Discernment Retreat in El Paso, Texas during Holy Week (April 16-20, 2025). The Holy Week Mission Discernment Retreat is an opportunity to reflect on one’s call to mission, to learn more about what a commitment to overseas service entails, and to consider whether this might be the next step in your own mission journey. Retreatants will meet current and returned Maryknoll missioners; listen to mission stories from those who have worked in Asia, Africa, and the Americas; and engage in small group reflection and discussion. There will be Holy Week liturgies, Stations of the Cross, and Easter Vigil celebrations. There will be time to socialize and also time for individual reflection. Retreatants will receive one-on-one guidance from Maryknoll mentors and will also learn about their admission requirements, application process, and placement options. Your donation helps us cover 4 days and 3 nights of lodging and food. Space is limited and registrations will be made on a first come, first served basis. You must be 21 years or older to attend the retreat and provide your own transportation to and from El Paso, Texas.
Maryknoll Lay Missioners
Young men ages 20-40 who are discerning a religious vocation are invited to attend. There will be conferences on "Hope in the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus", talks by Nobertines on discernment and communal life, Mass and more. Scholarships are available upon request.
Walk with Jesus from the table of the Last Supper to the foot of the cross and to the empty tomb. Join the monastic community in silence, liturgies and meals as we observe these sacred days. A daily lectio for each specific liturgy will foster greater participation in the Triduum services. Facilitators: Spirituality Center Staff Limit: 8 participants Fee: $325 (includes meals and overnight accommodations) Registration Link:
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
In the Rule, St. Benedict writes, “We believe that the Divine Presence is everywhere.” How does prayer lead us to this divine presence? How does it make a difference in our lives and in the world? This four-session series on prayer will include brief presentations, conversation, and practice of a particular prayer form. We will explore scriptural prayer, Centering Prayer, short prayers and liturgical prayer. Facilitator: Christian Morris, OSB Limit: 12 participants Fee: $140
Birth and death are two non-negotiables for human beings. We usually welcome birth but dread death. Can we learn to celebrate both? After learning of his own terminal cancer diagnosis in February 2022, Richard Gaillardetz, professor of theology at Boston College, author and editor of numerous books, writes of his journey finding hope, humor and blessing. Perhaps Richard’s story can help each of us ponder the mystery of our own lives and inevitable death with more trust and peace. Facilitators: Eunice Antony, OSB, and Mary Jo Koszarek Limit: Minimum of 4 participants, maximum of 8 participants Fee: Each registrant purchases his/her own book Registration Link:
This program offers a space for contemplation, not only through the mind but through the body and spirit as well. Rooted in ancient traditions, this will truly be a practice of connecting not only to the self but also to the collective. It will remind us that everything is interconnected and exists here in the present moment. “There is no healing or transformation without connection.” (-Joanna Macy; World as Lover, World as Self). Tying the breath, community, nature, compassion, presence, and oneness together brings about a sense of purpose and peace. Our hour of practice will consist of meditation and movement, guided by Zoya, on the themes of interdependence and community, loving kindness and compassion, and the present moment. Join us at Yoga for Peacemaking, meeting the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. All are welcome for this free, beginner-friendly program. Blocks, straps, and mats are provided.
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
Join us for a weekend to learn more about our charism, apostolate, and prayer life! St. John Bosco founded the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians to be a living monument of gratitude to Mary for everything she had done in his life. We serve the Church by accompanying youth and young adults on their journey of holiness in schools, parishes, youth centers, summer camps, and anywhere young people are found!
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
In the Rule, St. Benedict writes, “We believe that the Divine Presence is everywhere.” How does prayer lead us to this divine presence? How does it make a difference in our lives and in the world? This four-session series on prayer will include brief presentations, conversation, and practice of a particular prayer form. We will explore scriptural prayer, Centering Prayer, short prayers and liturgical prayer. Facilitator: Christian Morris, OSB Limit: 12 participants Fee: $140
May 2025
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
Experience the life, mission, and spirituality of the Daughters of St. Paul at this Come and See Retreat! Retreat includes: Daily Mass, community prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, talks by the Sisters, experience of the Pauline mission, silent retreat time, community recreation, and more. For single Catholic women ages 18-30.
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Single women from ages 18-42 are invited to join together in this special virtual event that takes place monthly on the 7th day of every month at 7 p.m. Each month will focus on a universal topic led by a Sister of Providence where attendees are welcomed and encouraged to bring prayer intentions, share an experience or give wisdom gained through experience with the monthly theme. We want to empower and aid one another in life’s challenges and struggles and also celebrate our joys as a community united. Upcoming themes: "Hope" - Friday, March 7 with Sister Ann Sullivan, SP "Shame" - Monday, April 7 with Sister Barbara Sheehan, SP "Joy" - Wednesday, May 7 with Sister Betty Koressel, SP "Gratitude" - Saturday, June 7 with Sister Marilyn Baker, SP
07:00 PM - 07:45 PM
Événement En Ligne
Fuel the Body, Fuel the Soul is a virtual program that provides a forum for young women around the country to deepen their faith life. The program gives women the opportunity to engage with our sisters and other women in spiritual presentations, discussions, and prayer. Each gathering also features a nutritious recipe from one of our sisters.
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Événement En Ligne
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
June 2025
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
Single women from ages 18-42 are invited to join together in this special virtual event that takes place monthly on the 7th day of every month at 7 p.m. Each month will focus on a universal topic led by a Sister of Providence where attendees are welcomed and encouraged to bring prayer intentions, share an experience or give wisdom gained through experience with the monthly theme. We want to empower and aid one another in life’s challenges and struggles and also celebrate our joys as a community united. Upcoming themes: "Hope" - Friday, March 7 with Sister Ann Sullivan, SP "Shame" - Monday, April 7 with Sister Barbara Sheehan, SP "Joy" - Wednesday, May 7 with Sister Betty Koressel, SP "Gratitude" - Saturday, June 7 with Sister Marilyn Baker, SP
07:00 PM - 07:45 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
Fuel the Body, Fuel the Soul is a virtual program that provides a forum for young women around the country to deepen their faith life. The program gives women the opportunity to engage with our sisters and other women in spiritual presentations, discussions, and prayer. Each gathering also features a nutritious recipe from one of our sisters.
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Missionaries of La Salette are hosting a Come & See event for men ages 18-45. DURING THIS RETREAT WEEKEND, attendees WILL... * learn about discernment and how to discover God's will for your life * interact with priests, brothers and other men interested in a vocation * hear stories and learn what is unique about the Missionaries of La Salette * join the community for prayer, Mass, and meals
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
Join us for a week as a camp counselor at our summer camp in San Antonio and also take time to discern if our Salesian consecrated life is where God is calling you! You will work side-by-side with our Sisters in ministry as we serve the young and have time to pray and enjoy fellowship with the community. We will also take time each afternoon to learn more about our charism and apostolate. If you feel called to the consecrated life and love serving the young, this week is for you!
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
July 2025
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The retreat weekend for women ages 18-55 offers an opportunity to learn about religious life in dialogue with the Vocation Director, community members and other discerners. Input sessions include general information on discernment and the different types of communities as well as specific information about the Benedictine Sisters of Elizabeth. In addition to prayer and meals with the Sisters, discerners also have the opportunity to hear vocation stories and interact with the Sisters at an evening social.
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
Come and See discernment retreat at the Paulist Fathers Mother Church in New York City. Spend a weekend in prayer and fellowship with the Paulist Fathers formation team and seminarians, as well as other discerners. You will meet several Paulists as you learn more about our history, mission, and different ministries. You will also learn about the life of our founder Servant of God Fr. Isaac Hecker, a Catholic convert who was inspired by the Holy Spirit to establish the first religious order of men in the United States in 1858. Participants can expect to travel to New York City on Thursday, since our weekend begins Friday with morning prayer. Topics of discussion throughout the weekend include: What brought you here? Hopes and expectations Paulist priesthood and community life Influential Paulists Paulist seminary life You will also have free time to explore the area around the Church of Saint Paul the Apostle, which is close to Central Park, Lincoln Center, Times Square, and the Broadway Theater District. Afternoons include Mass, dinner, and fun outings. Our weekend concludes Sunday with a closing prayer service and lunch. Participants can expect to depart on Sunday afternoon.
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
August 2025
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
September 2025
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
October 2025
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Novice and seasoned sitters alike gather for a time of silent meditation. Rooted in mysticism both Christian and beyond, as well as in Zen meditation, this program invites participants into stillness to settle into the ground of their being. Email to receive the weekly email with the Zoom link and a reflection from Sr. Kathleen.
07:00 PM - 08:15 PM
Événement En Ligne
November 2025
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
December 2025
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
January 2026
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
February 2026
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
March 2026
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
April 2026
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
May 2026
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
June 2026
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
July 2026
August 2026
September 2026
October 2026
November 2026
December 2026
January 2027
February 2027